If all your documents are uploaded correctly according to the requirements, then we ask for 12-48 hours for your verification. You will receive an email with the status of the process.
To check if you have completed everything required on your side:
1) Log in to your account
2) If you are asked to verify your account, click on 'here'. Note: if this does not show up, then you have completed your verification and you may use all functions of your account.
3) From there go to 'Your cases', then under 'Your Checklist (your To Dos)' you can see if you have any open tasks. If you have no open tasks, then we would like to ask for your patience until we review your verification. You will receive an email with the status of your submission.
Is there anyway to speed up the process?
Unfortunately not. ClevverMail wants to ensure the 100% validity of each verification.